Many times the public hears the term Stormwater Management, MS4 or a combination of the two phrases. What does MS4 mean?
‘By definition an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) is a system of conveyances that include, but are not limited to, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, pipes, tunnels, and/or storm drains that discharge into Waters of the State.’
Click here for a Stormwater Management FAQ
NCT Stormwater Ordinance (pdf)
North Cornwall Township participates in the Lebanon County Stormwater Consortium. Please click here for a brief overview of the Consortium, as well as the type of Projects funded by the Stormwater Management fee.
Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) reports are available for public review at the Township office instead of on our website, due to the very large file size.
Pool Waste Water (pdf)
Illicit Discharge Citizen Complaint form (pdf)
Stormwater Management brochure (pdf)
After the Storm (pdf)
When It Rains, It Drains (pdf)
Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff (pdf)
MS4 Illicit Discharge brochure (pdf)
Rain Barrels and Water Conservation (pdf)

Did you know that there are programs offered for property owners with land abutting streams? These programs are offered by the PA Fish and Boat Commission and can be found with the below links.
Cooperative Habitat Improvement Program (374KB pdf)
Technical Assistance Program (284KB pdf)