Frequently Asked Questions

Please select the FAQ categories below to expand.

Residents and Visitors FAQs

How do I file a citizen’s complaint?

Please complete and submit to the Township either in person or by mail.  Click Here for the Citizens Complaint Form.

Who do I contact to complain about the cable service?

Comcast Cable is independent of the Township. Located on your cable bill is the Township’s name, address and telephone number, which is listed as the Franchisee. We have a franchise contract with Comcast, which allows them the wiring throughout the Township. If you have any questions concerning your cable bill or service, please contact Comcast at (717) 273-8511.

How do I contact Area on Aging?

The number for Area on Aging is (717) 273-9262.

Can I register to vote at your office?

The Township office does not carry voter registration forms or absentee ballots. These forms must be obtained through the County Elections Bureau. You can contact them at (717) 274-2801, extension 4428.

Where do I go to vote?

There are THREE voting locations within the Township. If you have any questions about your voting district, please contact the Lebanon County Bureau of Elections Voter Registration at 400 S. 8th Street Room 209, Lebanon PA 17042. Phone # 717-228-4428, or view the voter district maps for Lebanon County at and click on the “Where To Vote” link on the right side of the page.

New Voting Location-Effective March 1, 2019
As of March 1, 2019 residents that live in the north-western area of the Township will now be voting at the Faith Baptist Church located at 220 South 22nd Street. If you live in the new voting district 26-W, you will no longer vote at the North Cornwall Township building. North Cornwall Township residents that are affected by the change should have received information from the Lebanon County Bureau of Elections Voter Registration office.

North Cornwall Township Voters residing in the blue area of the map are considered Voting District 26-W.

Click here to view the District 26-W map.

Please refer to the Township Road Map for clarity on where your property is located in reference to Oak Street.

If you reside EAST of 22nd Street from Rte 422 to Oak Street you are DISTRICT 26-N and vote at the North Cornwall Township building located at 330 South 18th Street.

If you reside SOUTH of Oak Street, you are DISTRICT 26-S, and you vote at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center – 80 Rocherty Rd.

If you reside NORTH of Oak Street and WEST of 22nd Street you are DISTRICT 26-W and vote at the Faith Baptist Church located at 220 South 22nd Street.

How do I get on the meeting Agenda?

A letter of request must be sent to the Township Manager by 12 noon on the Thursday preceding the meeting date. The letter must contain a brief reason of what is to be discussed and also a return telephone number. There are times when someone else can help you with your question. If you are unsure of whether it is an item to be discussed during a public meeting, feel free to contact the Township office at (717) 273-9200 and someone will help you with your request.

How do I handle making a request for service?

If you are requesting items such as temporary closing of roads or non-enforceable signs, it must be done so in writing. Those matters will be decided on by the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting. Please forward your requests prior to the meeting date. If you are unsure, please contact the Township offices and someone will gladly direct you to the proper department.


Police FAQs

Can I be fingerprinted for employment?

Residents may no longer be fingerprinted at the North Cornwall Township Police Department. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will now ONLY accept live-scan, digital fingerprints. North Cornwall Township Police cannot administer this type of fingerprinting. Please click here for more information on where to go for this service.

How do I obtain a copy of an accident report?

A copy of an accident report can be obtained at the Police department, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm at the front desk. There is a $15.00 fee for this report. Please call ahead, if possible, with the incident number and the date of the accident for faster service.

Where can I pay my parking fine?

Parking tickets can be paid at any time at the North Cornwall Township Police Department. If you want to be able to pay in person, please come Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm. If you are coming after hours, you may deposit your payment in the locked drop-box located on the outside wall of the Police station.

Business FAQs

Who do I contact about my employee Local Services Tax?

As of January 2009, North Cornwall Township has assigned that collection duty to Keystone Municipal Collections. They have a local office at the Lebanon County Court House, Room 113, 400 South 8th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 or you can call them at: (717) 272-3770.

I have been informed that I need to recycle. Who do I contact?

North Cornwall Township has a recycling coordinator on staff. If you are a new business or an existing business in need of recycling information, please contact Jean Long at (717) 273-9200, ext. 100.

I have a restaurant and was wondering about any requirements for my grease trap?

The North Cornwall Township Authority has recently updated their Act 537 plan as required by the State’s Department of Environmental Protection. A copy of the Ordinance is available at the Township Office. If you have specific questions please contact our Director of Public Works or Code Enforcement Officer for assistance.

I noticed that the traffic signal near our business is not functioning properly. Who do I contact?

In these cases please contact our Police Department at 717-274-0464. When contacting the Police, please make sure you provide the details of the malfunction.

My business is located along Route 72 (or Route 422) and there is a large pot-hole at my driveway. Who do I report this complaint to?

North Cornwall Township has several State owned highways. They include, Route 72, Route 422, Colebrook Road and Cornwall Road. When there are problems along these roads, please contact the local PennDOT office at 717-272-6657.