Leaf Collection will run from October 21st to December 5th.
This is for leaf collection only. PLEASE DO NOT add branches, hedge trimmings, grass, weeds, mulch, etc. Place loose leaves in narrow piles parallel with the curb line avoiding mailbox areas, intersections and vehicles.
Mondays– Ann Lane, Bricker Lane, Cleona area of North Cornwall, Country Club View Development, Davis Lane, Greenview Lane, Hillcrest Road, Kathy Court, Myerlo Lane, Millbridge Development, South Mill Street, Reist Road
Tuesdays-Carlton Square Development, Chestnut Street, Dairy Road, Harvey John Avenue, McArthur Street, Mill Link, Nancy Lee Avenue, North Mill Street, Oak Hills Development, Oak St. (between Stoneleigh & Mill St.) Pleasant Hill Area (S 16th – S. 22nd St., Walnut St., Center St., Greystone Drive, Acorn Drive, Penn St., Millview Ct., Furnace Ct., Village Ct., Northwood Ct.), Ranch Avenue, Runnymede Development (East & West), South 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Streets, Stoneleigh Drive, Walden Road, Walnut St, Washington St., West Cumberland Street, Greystone Crossing Development.
Wednesdays-Arnold Court, Aubrey Avenue, Church Road, Colebrook Road (west of Mill Road), Creekside Development, Forney Road, Meadow lane, Northwest Drive, Oak Street, Quail Lane, Rocherty Road (west of Mill Road), Royal Road, Shadow Creek Development, Spangler Road, Village Drive, Whitney Way.
Thursdays-Arborvitae Street, Blackford Blvd., Byler Circle, Colebrook Court Development, Colebrook Road (East of Mill St.), Cornwall Road, Creek Run Lane, Daffodil Drive, Dawson Street, Farmwood Lane, Fieldcrest Road, Greiner St., Hartman Lane, Hauck St., Helen Drive, Isabel Drive, Juniper Street, Kreiser Street, Lilac Lane, Mill Road, Miller St., North Cornwall Rd., Norman Drive, Northfield Drive, Nowlen Drive, Park Drive, Poplar Street, Rex Avenue, Rocherty Rd. (east of Mill Rd.), Russell Drive, 16th St., South 8th St., Snitz Road, Springwood Drive, Summit Street, Tuck Street, Tudor Lane, West Crestview Drive, Wheatfield Lane,. South 16th St. (leading into Dawson St.), Wilhelm Avenue, York Street.